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2017 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am (Convertible) | Take A Look

Behold the 2017 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am in all its convertible glory. Like its hard top twin, the 2017 convertible Firebird Trans Am boasts a

 • 5.9-liter V8 engine with 560 horsepower and 450 pound-feet of torque.

 • Top speed of 185 miles per hour

 • Three-layer top can be put up or down at speeds of up to 30 mph in around 13 seconds.

 • 6ix-speed automatic transmission

 • Weight distribution of 51:49

 Yours for the low, low price base price of $40 000

2017 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am (Convertible)

2017 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am (Convertible)

2017 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am (Convertible)